MSNBC "The Ed Show" - Transcript: Small Business And Employment



STATE REP. PETER BARCA, (D) WISCONSIN: Well Ed, at the hearing that we had
in the Senate and assembly labor committee, 1,800 people showed up and
testified and registered against the bill, only 25 in favor of the bill. I
think people know it`s going to lower wages. It`s going to increase
injuries. And it`s going to take away valuable training in a time that we
need skilled workers.

But, we`re astonished Ed, because the governor, when he was on a dead heat
virtually for reelection on September 2nd. He told the Milwaukee Journal
Sentinel, I`m not pushing it, I`m not supporting right-to-work in this
session, he clearly deceived people. So I think people in the states are
in the state of shock.

SCHULTZ: And so, when you look at this there was not one Republican that
voted against it. They got their fraternity in line didn`t they?

BARCA: Well, they have. Now Senator Petrowski in the Senate, we did have
one Republican who is very courageous in opposing it. And, you know, the
other thing that`s interesting Ed is that, this isn`t just knock against
the middle class and workers. We had 440 small businesses and contractors
band together and form a coalition to oppose this bill. So, this is a
knock on small business and on workers. There`s no question it`s going to
hurt our state desperately.

SCHULTZ: How much about Walker`s national profile and platform plays into

BARCA: Oh I think it`s enormous. You know, it`s pretty difficult when you
promised to people you`re not going to bring it up. He said he knew we`d
be polarizing once again. He said that while he went after public sector
worker. He realized private sector workers were his allies that create
250,000 jobs. Of course unfortunately Ed we`re 35th in the nation in jobs,
dead last in the Midwest. His agenda is now working of course trickled
down economics rarely does. And I was proud that we had 440 businesses...


BARCA: ... stand with the workers oppose of this. And all Democrats were
solidly opposed to it. We want to stand with the middle class and small


BARCA: ... (inaudible) job...

SCHULTZ: You have to get the governor chair back and you have to get
majorities and the assembly in the Senate to reverse this. I mean, right
now you`re powerless to do anything about it, correct?

BARCA: Well, of course it`s very difficult that Republican put forward a
very partisan, extreme redistricting proposed hall (ph) that gerrymanders
these district are incredibly. On 2010 and 2012 election, right after
redistricting, assemble Democrats got 175,000 more votes than assembly
Republicans but of course they had big majority...


BARCA: ... because of the way they drew the districts. So, we have our
hands full, make no mistake of it. But I think people are going to catch
on. Professor Chowdhury Economic Professor at Marquette University said
this could take up to $3.8 billion out of the economy. An economy that is
dead last in the Midwest, the governor`s programs are not working so it`s
surprising that he`s doing so well in Republican polls.

SCHULTZ: Well, he`s gone after public education, he`s gone after unions
now he`s got the state right-to-work, he`s given corporate tax brakes. I
mean he`s perfect for their national agenda. He didn`t care about
Wisconsin but that just my take. Wisconsin state representative Peter
Barca, good to have you with us tonight, I appreciate your time.

